Finally I’ve decided to join one of the challenges/tasks that are circulating in the bookworld 🙂

I’ve chosen RYBSAT which is organized for the 7th time and will be hosted by a bunch of booktubers. RYBSAT was initiated by Miranda from BooKss101 which you should most definitely follow on Youtube if you’re, like me, constantly in search for good booktubers.

Anyway, the idea is to pick one of your bookshelves, choose certain book from the shelf and continue reading all the books until the end of the bookshelf, starting from the book you picked up. You have limited amount of time to do so, and this month it is from today (January 19) until next Monday (January 25). I’ve linked Miranda’s video in the previous passage if you need more information. You’ll find there all the names of booktubers that are hosting the challenge.

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I wanted to read some of the classics I own in this week, and RYBSAT will actually help me with this. I’ve picked up the shelf where I hold Penguin English Library and I basically could not wait to start with the first book this morning 🙂


I just cannot believe how beautiful the spines of these books are. Not to mention the covers in total 😀

So, I’ve started reading Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Five Orange Pips and Other Cases this morning and I’m hoping I’m hoping I’ll finish it soon so I can go to the other ones as soon as possible.


When you see the next photo, it’ll be clear why I’m so excited to read the next books in line. They are aaaaaamazing!


So, I’ve picked up: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Emma, Mansfield Park, and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, and, finally Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. Some of the books I have read in the past (Emma), I’m half through some of them (Frankenstein), but majority of them I’ll read for the first time. Sooo excited!


Have you read any of these books? What are you’re favorites?

If you decide to do RYBSAT yourself, I would be glad to know about it. Just tag @insight.muse at your Instagram photo, or write me in the comments below, or use any other means to tell me about it 🙂 I would love to know which books you’ve picked up.

Until the next page,

Insight Muse 


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