A word or two about me


An ordinary, 20-something years old girl from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In love with my hometown, literature, voyages, people that are surrounding me and… international relations’ studying. Weird, I know :). I have MA in English language and literature (hence my decision to write in English) and am currently on MA studies in International relations and diplomacy.

It usually takes some time for me to decide which path to take so I’ll let my blog take me wherever it wants. I am not a makeup expert but I enjoy in makeup; I’m fashion clueless but I looove shopping (as any woman does, I guess); my passion is reading; and my another passion, traveling, is also part of my job (yeeey :)). I see my blog as a destination where I’ll keep all the colors of my world, and, honestly, I hope the blog will make me shake my life a bit, and rediscover some of my forgotten interests.

Why insight muse? This blog is an insight into my world, and a muse to my internal revelations. Clear and simple. Or, at least I say that to myself.

All in all, every new post will be a surprise for me, and I’m looking forward to each new line posted here. If any of you comes by, don’t be afraid to knock and say hi, I’ll welcome you fullheartedly ;). After all, I’m from the Balkans.


P.S. All photos on the blog are either taken by me or have been downloaded from the Internet. In those occassions where it is possible, I will always provide the name of the author (if the photos are not mine), otherwise please let me know if you see some of your photos that are not signed and want them to be deleted.

All opinions, reviews and texts are my own, if not indicated otherwise, and they represent my personal view only.

Also, I am Book Depository affiliate so if you purchase a book through the links provided on my blog, small cut goes to me.

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